Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Furious hotel guests beat man up for having noisy sex

DailymailUK reports that CCTV captured the moment a businessman called Zhang, took out his frustrations on another guest at a hotel in the city of Beihai, in China’s Guanxi southern province.

The incident happened October 13 after Zhang and a group of his colleagues had checked into the hotel ahead of a meeting the following morning. But Zhang was woken up by a couple in the other room close to his having sex loudly. He decided to call the couple to order at first but i didn’t work as  he got a barrage of abuse back from the other man,Lei Mou. As the confrontation got louder, Zhang’s colleagues numbering up to 10 made their way into the corridor outside the door of Lei.

Eventually Zhang kicked down the hotel door, before dragging Lei out while punching and kicking him, and stripping him to the waist. The group were then caught on camera in the lobby where the attack continued, before police were called and split it up. Zhang eventually agreed he had over-reacted, before agreeing to pay 15,000 yuan to Lei to settle the dispute.

Source: Naij

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