Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Introducing My Risk Management Family, starting with Our very own Banker Big boy extra ordinaire

Like I said earliar this month, am going to be gisting you guys about where am working. Let's kick start it with a Quote from a Banker Big boy Murtala D. Abubakar, when checking in at an airport no matter how rude the check in person is to you “always smile and be nice
because you don’t know what kind of day they’ve had. You’re going on a holiday and they are stuck wherever they are. Be nice to them they can re-route your baggage to wherever they feel like---No way am I loosing my Gucci Shoes.

He is total gentleman but one thing about him is that he is the life of a party. He lighten up everywhere he goes.  I can remember one day that he sent one of us I.T Grace on an errand and he has like a little change left which Grace didn't remember to collect until like 5 days after, am not going to say the exact amount but just know that it is less than #200. Grace forming trustworthy returned the change. And MR Murtala was shocked beyond imagining as a gentleman handled it well saying she can keep it.In conclusion all my bosses are totally lovely and I love the risk management department.

Stay Tuned!!!

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